May 12, 2019

Kay Hartung’s Microbial Visions of An Unseen World

Kay Hartung’s Microbial Visions of An Unseen World

With the advancement of science and the ability to view organisms never before seen, Kay Hartung thinks about the great power that such minute things may hold. She contemplates the potential impact of cellular activity on the visible universe and the human species. Over the past two years, she has continued to pursue this interest in her art. I create my own vision of cells, proteins and viruses that don’t actually exist, but are an artistic evolution from familiar forms. I create colonies of cellular shapes that migrate, flow and multiply. The process of painting with encaustic* builds layer upon layer of biomorphic forms, suggesting growth, development and movement. I construct environments for these forms, landscapes in which they can interact. In many of my works you will see that pattern is a predominant characteristic:…

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April 17, 2019

The Ghostly Art of Stephen Pavlovic

The Ghostly Art of Stephen Pavlovic

Artist’s Statement: My work explores my anxieties. I work to externalize those anxieties in a visually interesting way. The image of a Hungry Ghost (in Buddhism, a person doomed to wander the earth, unable to satisfy their overwhelming desires) has always been a recurrent theme in my work, but in the last two years it has taken a more central role. Who knew there were so many of them? I find the image of the Hungry Ghost useful in explaining to myself the current political state of things and at the same time externalizing my emotions to reduce the angst I feel. In some Buddhist cosmology, a person can be reborn as either a human being, into the realm of the Gods, or as a Hungry Ghost; Hungry Ghost being the worst rebirth. I find…

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March 20, 2019

Casey Stanberry, Architectural Illustrator

Casey Stanberry, Architectural Illustrator

We’re pleased to introduce some new and fascinating art from Boston’s Casey Stanberry. Casey was trained as an architect and furthered his education at an art school in Spain. There, he participated in his first art shows and allowed the dense, historic architectural fabric to inspire his work. Originally from South Carolina, he has always had a passion for historic architecture and its relationship with contemporary daily life. His work reflects the intersection of the built environment and fine art in sweeping perspectives captured in painted and penned architectural diagrams.  Artist’s Statement “These pieces are drawn in elevation, plan, section and aerial to best expose certain structural and aesthetic qualities. Paint is sometimes layered over drawings followed by pen, which gives pieces a sense of being in architectural progress. There is an analytical approach to…

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February 21, 2019

New Hybrid Art from Hank Keneally

New Hybrid Art from Hank Keneally

I had the pleasure of meeting long-time Fictional Cafe member Hank Keneally at “FOG” (Far Out Gallery) in San Francisco this month. This neat little gallery, high in the hills of the Sunset District of SF, is only a few blocks from the actual fog of Ocean Beach on the Pacific Ocean. Hank graciously showed me his art and described how he got each of his shots and then how the images transformed into the hybrid art we see here. It’s always great to see someone’s art in person and have them explain the images or the inspiration behind the piece. If you’re in the bay area, or looking for an excuse to go there, his hybrid art is on display through February 24th. Artist Statement – “FOG” Gallery Exhibition by Hank Keneally As I…

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January 16, 2019

Leaping Metaphysical Boundaries: John Michael Barone’s Art

Leaping Metaphysical Boundaries: John Michael Barone’s Art

Artist’s Statement Painter John Michael Barone believes while we gain success as artists and entrepreneurs, it is our duty to help the art scene grow. It is exceptionally important now for artists to be seen as key contributors to the future of our communities. If we do not forge a strong path and build platforms for artists, failure may be inevitable. Working together, we can set sound examples for the future of the arts. If we teach others, they will teach us. We guide them and they will show us the way. As artists young or old, professional or amateur, we can all learn from each other. This will help us all achieve our goals of reaching higher peaks of learning and expanding our knowledge of the artmaking process. Current Work   “I have been…

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