Editorial Note: We’re excited to announce a new monthly feature from writing coach and longtime FC Barista Jason Brick. In this column, he’ll bring you news and advice from the writing world.
Greetings all! As many of you know, I run a weekly newsletter of useful, fun, or amusing pieces of writing industry news called The Break From HOKAIC (my own term for the writer’s daily grind, which stands for Hands On Keyboard, Ass In Chair). As writers and lovers of writing yourselves, The Fictional Cafe thought you’d enjoy some highlights for your information and entertainment:
- VICE magazine took a real look at how much can be reasonably made publishing online.
- Check out this list and review of free online publishing platforms for new writers.
- A report on virtual writers retreats during the pandemic
- Writing advice delivered as book inscriptions 🙂
- Where is the publishing industry headed after all this disruption?
- Did you know Barnes & Noble is adding restaurants…with booze!
- A great video on how to start a successful writing session.
- Just how important is a niche? Here’s what you need to know.
If you have any questions or comments about these articles, leave a comment and let’s have a conversation.
If you’d like more of The Break from HOKAIC, delivered each week, consider subscribing to the newsletter itself. It comes every Monday. Thanks for reading. See you next month!
Jason Brick is the Editorial Consultant Barista at The Fictional Café.