At the Untold Podcast, created by Nathan James Norman, they want to recapture the power of story and use the weirder genres to do it. Science fiction, fantasy, horror and supernatural stories serve as metaphors for our lives. The distant star systems, the shining knights, the abominable yetis, and the ghosts remind listeners of our own struggles, triumphs and losses.
Every month they’ll bring you a new story and flash fiction presented in a unique and dynamic way!

“Customer arriving!” announced the robot.
The shopkeeper looked up eagerly.
The door creaked open with a whistle. Rain blew inside as a small man fought with the door handle. “You have my merchandise?” he rasped.
The shopkeeper snorted. He’s a day early. “Yeah, but it’s not ready yet.”
Otherworldly gadgets and gizmos in clear displays filled most of the room. A small lamp dimly illuminated a checkout counter, while brighter lights hummed illuminating the displays. The visitor gestured to the tall shiny cylinder that had announced his arrival.

I’ll bet ye didn’a know that Leprechauns aren’t rich. That’s right, our gold’s not our gold, if ye follow. Our job’s to warn mankind, an’ a stash of wish-fulfilillin’ gold’s the finest tool I’ve seen in my…well, many years on this fine an’ flawed world.
So mayhaps ye’ll not scoff that this tale begins as I was at the bank. I wasn’t stashing my magical coins in the vaults, nor was I observin’ some poor cashier to make her life a lesson for others. No, I was there makin’ a deposit on me lunch break, and I was not havin’ a good day.
Ah, I see yer surprised that a Leprechaun has a job, and a borin’ one at that! In case ye didn’a already know, Leprechauns aren’t the wily little fellows from the storybooks, dressin’ entirely in…a certain color, dancin’ like fools and hiding gold in pots at the ends of rainbows. Might as well try to steal me cereal with marshmallows, and for the record, I prefer cranberry muffins for breakfast, if ye must be informed. I’m Irish, not a cartoon.

There was once a little girl who was very obstinate and willful,
and who never obeyed when her elders spoke to her;
so how could she be happy?
One day she said to her parents, “I have heard so much of the old Witch, that I will go and see her. People say she
is a wonderful old woman, and has many marvelous things in her house; and I am very curious to see them.”
If you enjoyed listening to these stories, please check out the “Untold Podcast” created by Nathan James Norman. You can find more of their episodes on their website and iTunes.
And of course, if these fantastical tales aren’t to your liking, you can find more on Fictional Cafe’s Audio Arts page. We update our episodes every other week, Friday 7 PM, EST. So don’t change that dial!